The Best Daycare ever!

Welcome to Babeeshark Family Home Daycare and Preschool where children are important and loved! 


We offer a creative learning environment in which your child can learn, experience and grow. In Bebeeshark home daycare, children are encouraged to make choices and come up with ideas that are respected by other children well. Children will play and learn in a very warm and friendly environment which is based on passion and love.

Our Philosophy

In Babeeshark daycare, we respect each child as an individual who posses a unique personality. Being happy, enjoying every single moment of life with having fun and learning, is our goal in Babeeshark home daycare.

We also emphasis on artistic development, self-expression, and academic basics. We believe that daycare is a place to grow, make friends and get emotionally ready to go to school.


We help[ your child to develop a positive self-image, independent behavior, good communication skills, respect for self, others and environment.

Meet our Qualified Staff

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